The Top Features to Look for in a New Fridge

Daniel Mwangi
By -
An image showing an open fridge.


The right fridge can make or break your kitchen. You want one that's energy efficient, reliable, and doesn't take up a ton of space. You also want the doors to open all the way so you can see everything inside without having to open them. And you might even want some storage options like drawers or extra doors on your new fridge—that way there's more room for things like ice trays and water bottles! Here are some features to look for in any new model:


Capacity is a big factor to consider when buying a fridge. If you're planning on storing food and/or drinks, it's important to know how much space your fridge needs. For example, if you're cooking for 1 person at home occasionally, then having an extra-large fridge might be overkill. On the other hand, if you're cooking for 2 people regularly and have leftovers that need to be stored in the freezer or fridge until later (e.g., Thanksgiving), then an extra-large refrigerator will help keep everything organized and easy-to-find!

  • How many people do I cook for? This is one of my favorite questions because it allows me to pick out items based on how often they'll be used—and thus which features are most important.*
  • How much food do I eat? Every family has different needs here; some families eat less than others but still need more space due to storage capacities being smaller than average (think: college students). If this sounds familiar then maybe consider going with something smaller like 10 cu ft instead of 12 cu ft since there are fewer items inside but still enough room available within those boxes themselves.*

Energy efficiency

When you're looking for a new fridge, it's important to consider how energy efficient the appliance will be. First off, make sure that the model you're considering has an Energy Star label. If so and if it also has a high energy efficiency rating (which is essentially an EER—Energy Efficiency Ratio—rating), then this is a good sign. But don't just look at these two things: look at all three!

For instance, if an appliance has an EER of 10 out of 10 but doesn't have the Energy Star label on it or isn't certified by this program yet (and therefore cannot legally sell its products in North America), then its manufacturer may not be obeying federal regulations regarding what qualifies as "high" or "low." You should also check whether or not there are any other certifications listed on your refrigerator's packaging materials: these could include things like GreenGuard or BPI certification programs for substances like flame retardants and ozone depletion potentials—both of which are considered harmful chemicals by many environmentalists but do not necessarily indicate any inherent risk from using them in everyday life such as refrigerators; instead they serve simply as indicators pointing out where additional research needs done before manufacturers can feel comfortable claiming their products are safe enough!


  • Reliability:
  • Avoid refrigerators with a high number of reported problems. You want to buy a fridge that has been tested and proven to work over time, so avoid fridges that are more than 10 years old.
  • Look for a warranty, especially one that covers parts and labor if you have any issues with your new refrigerator. Also look at reviews online to see if other people have had issues with their new refrigerator as well!

Built-in ice makers

If you’re looking for a new fridge, you might be wondering if built-in ice makers are worth it. The answer is yes and no.

Built in ice makers are more expensive than traditional models, but they also have several benefits that make them worth the extra cost:

  • Built-in icemakers are much more convenient than having to run out of the house every time you want some ice cubes. When we were kids, our parents used to take us to the store once a week for groceries—and then we would come home and wait until dinner was ready before making any sort of snack or drink with our favorite beverage maker (which took about 10 minutes). Nowadays we can just head into our kitchen and press one button on our fridge (or its remote control) to get all those cubes we need!
  • Built in icemakers tend not break as easily because they don't require regular maintenance; instead they self-repair themselves over time due simply because there isn't enough pressure inside them anymore which means less work needs done by humans/humans themselves who may someday end up as unemployed due lack thereof - so this leads us into another point:

Built-in icemakers are much more energy efficient than traditional models. Because they don’t have to be manually operated, built-in icemakers require less electricity to run—and that means saving money on your monthly utility bills!

Another great thing about built-in icemakers is that they are much easier to clean and maintain. Many traditional models require regular filter changes, while built-in units don’t have filters at all—and so they don't need any maintenance beyond simply running them every now and then (which takes only a few minutes).

Water dispensers

Water dispensers are a great feature to have in your fridge. They’re more convenient than using a pitcher, and they can also be an excellent option for families with kids or people who have arthritis or other health issues that make it difficult to lift a pitcher.

If you want to get the most out of your water dispenser, make sure that it has enough storage space for all of your beverages (and maybe even some condiments). The last thing you want is for someone else's drink to spill over when they take their first sip!

French doors

French doors are a great choice for kitchens with limited space. They allow you to see what's in the fridge without opening it and also make it easy to access items.

French doors can be installed on either side of your refrigerator, which means that you'll have a choice of how much light comes into your kitchen when you open up the door. If there isn't enough natural light coming through from outside, then installing french doors will give off more brightness than if they were installed onto one side only (which would be already illuminated by natural light).

Freezer drawers

Freezer drawers are great for storing frozen foods and large items. They're also a good option if you want to keep things cold, like an extra bottle of water or milk in the fridge.

If you're looking for a more efficient way to store your food, then these drawers may be right for you.

Flexible shelving

Flexible shelves are great for storing different shapes and sizes of food. They can also be used to organize your fridge, so that everything is easy to find when you're in the mood for some ice cream or a quick snack. If you have limited space in your kitchen, flexible shelving may be right for you!

Slimline models for small kitchens

If you’re looking for a fridge that can fit into your small kitchen, you might want to consider investing in a slimline model. Slimline fridges are smaller than their larger counterparts and are therefore more space efficient. This means they can be installed into smaller spaces with little room left over for other appliances or furniture!

Slimline fridges also have some other advantages: they cost less money than the larger models and often come with additional features like freezer drawers and water dispensers (which are essential if you plan on using your fridge as an ice box).

You should consider these features when shopping for a new fridge.

When shopping for a new fridge, you will have to consider the size of your kitchen and your budget. You should also think about what features you want in your new fridge. Finally, you should consider how much space you need for a refrigerator and how much noise it makes when it runs. In addition to these considerations, there are other factors that may influence where you buy such as energy efficiency and whether or not the item comes with an ice maker or water dispenser (if so).


Now that you know what to look for in a new fridge, you’re ready to be the best candidate when it comes time to buy one. Keep in mind that these features are just a few of the many great things about this appliance and its overall performance, but they will give you an excellent start! If there is anything else that we missed or if any questions arise while looking into purchasing one of these units, please let us know in the comments below so we can help guide you through the process.
