10 Tips for Controlling Appliances for Energy Efficiency

Daniel Mwangi
By -
A smarthome control appliance.


Over the last decade, appliances have become more connected, smarter and more energy efficient. From your refrigerator to your stove, there are many ways to save energy and money with just a little bit of planning. Below are some tips for controlling your appliances so that they use less power while still getting the job done right!

Connect your appliances to the Internet.

  • Connect your appliances to the Internet.
  • Use a smart thermostat and make sure it's connected to Wi-Fi, so you can control it from anywhere in the world.
  • Maintain your dryer properly. The most common problem with a dryer is that its lint trap gets clogged, which means it's not getting rid of all of its debris as quickly as possible and therefore making more work for itself (and everyone else). You can buy special screens that fit inside your lint trap or simply take out some cardboard pieces and use them instead; this will help keep things clean while also saving money on electricity costs! If you don't want to use those methods yet because they require replacing parts from time-to-time then try boiling water in a kettle before putting clothes into them - this will loosen up any gunk stuck inside there efficiently enough for simple cleaning later down the road."

Use a smart thermostat

You can also use a smart thermostat to save money. A smart thermostat will help you save on your water bill, because it will adjust the temperature based on the time of day. If you're inside during the day, it'll be cooler than if you're out and about; at night, when everyone is home relaxing in front of their TVs or reading books by candlelight (which I'm sure many households do), then there's no need for expensive air conditioning units running around cooling everything down all hours of darkness.

Smart technologies have come along way since their inception over 40 years ago—and with them comes an even greater potential for energy savings!

Select energy-efficient appliances before purchase.

When you're shopping for appliances, make sure to look for energy-efficient models. You can find these labels by checking the Energy Guide label on your refrigerator and dishwasher, as well as on each of their respective packaging. In addition to this standard labeling system, many manufacturers have created their own versions of this label that indicate whether or not an appliance meets specific criteria for energy efficiency.

You may also see ENERGY STAR qualified appliances listed in store advertisements or other promotional material. These labels are often accompanied by a logo that looks like an image of a star—the symbol used by both the EPA and CNMI (Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands) government agencies who oversee environmental protection efforts within those territories' borders.*

Consider the timing of when you use your appliances.

  • You should use your appliances at the right time of day.
  • If you want to save money, use your appliances when they are most efficient, and turn them off when you're not using them.
  • Use appliances that are less energy-intensive when electricity is cheap (e.g., using an electric kettle instead of boiling water on the stovetop).

Use and maintain your dryer properly.

  • Use and maintain your dryer properly.
  • The lint trap is designed to capture lint, but it can also collect dirt and dust. Remove any accumulated material from the trap regularly to prevent clogging. Make sure that there are no holes in any part of the appliance or its venting system; these will prevent ventilation from occurring properly and may cause overheating, resulting in fires or other dangerous situations. Also be sure to clean out any lint or other debris from vents regularly—you don't want any kind of obstruction that could hinder airflow during use!
  • Use the right drying time and temperature settings for each load (for example: if you're using fabric sheets for laundry day-to-day). This will help ensure maximum efficiency without compromising on quality standards like colorfastness when washing clothes with bleach frequently throughout their lifespan."

Switch to LED lighting

There are many types of light bulbs that can be used for your home’s lighting needs. Incandescent, halogen and CFL lights all have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to energy efficiency.

LED lights have a much longer lifespan than incandescent or CFL bulbs, which means you will save money on replacement costs over time. They also provide a more even spread of light than incandescent bulbs do—meaning you won't need as much wattage for the same amount of illumination. Plus, LED lights use less power in general so they're an excellent choice if you live in an area where electricity costs are high or fluctuate wildly with weather conditions (like when it's hot outside).

Lower your water heater temperature.

  • Lower your water heater temperature.
  • Set the thermostat on your water heater to 120 degrees, and see how long it takes for it to cool down. If you don't want to adjust this yourself (and why would you?), consider installing a smart device that will automatically do so for you!

Step up your kitchen appliance maintenance game -- keep it clean and make sure there aren't any air leaks in the seals around the doors or freezer drawers.

  • Keep your refrigerator and freezer clean by wiping down interior surfaces with a damp rag.
  • Check to see if the seals around the doors and drawers are damaged, as this can cause air leaks that waste energy and boost your utility bills. If you do find a leaky seal, replace it immediately so that no more cold air gets in than hot water does out—and keep an eye on how much use each appliance gets before replacing any parts!
  • Make sure there aren't any cracks in dishwasher doors, which could allow dirt particles into your machine's heating element—and increase its energy consumption by up to 20%. Also check under kitchen sinks for leaks around faucet handles (the best way to do this is through sound). If you have any questions about whether these repairs are necessary for keeping appliances running smoothly without burning through electricity unnecessarily

Change air filters regularly

  • Change air filters regularly.
  • Change your air filter more often in areas with dust or allergies, and get rid of it when you notice a drop in your home's air quality or energy efficiency.

Appliances are an increasingly large part of our lives and are becoming more intelligent, but we need to use them correctly and mindfully to avoid wasting resources and save money too.

While people are becoming more environmentally conscious, appliances are an increasingly large part of our lives and are becoming more intelligent. They can help you save money, but they also need to be used correctly—or else they can waste resources and cause other problems for the environment. For example, if you don't turn off your dishwasher when it's done washing and drying dishes (which is easy), then it will continue to use energy until the machine switches off automatically after an hour or so; this means that more electricity goes into heating water than actually doing anything useful in terms of cleaning dishes! Turning off lights when we leave a room is also important because otherwise those same lights could continue shining for hours after we've left them turned off by mistake.


We hope you’ve learned a few new tips for controlling your appliances in an energy-efficient way and have gotten excited about the possibilities of what they can do on their own! We believe that these tools will only get better over time, so if this article has left you curious about what else could be done with these devices, keep an eye out for updates as we continue to refine our knowledge of how they work and how we can use them most effectively.