The Best Ways to Protect Your Computer from Viruses and Malware

Daniel Mwangi
By -
An image showing a desktop computer.


Viruses and malware are a real threat to your computer. These programs are designed to infiltrate your system, steal valuable data, and/or cause serious damage to your PC. If you're not careful, this can happen in just a few seconds—and then it's too late! The best way to protect yourself from viruses is by installing antivirus software on your computer system and keeping it updated with the latest security patches. We'll also discuss some other steps you can take to reduce or prevent infection from happening in the first place:

Install antivirus software.

Antivirus software is a great way to protect your computer from viruses, spyware and malware. It's important to note that not all antivirus programs are created equal. Some antivirus programs only detect one type of virus or other piece of malware while others offer protection against many different types of threats.

Antivirus software can be installed on your computer so that it will automatically scan files as they're downloaded or opened in order to check them for malicious code before they're opened by you or anyone else using your system (including yourself). If a file has been infected with an unwanted program like spyware or adware then it'll be flagged as unsafe by the antivirus software and removed immediately without affecting what other files were open at the time - which means no more slow downs caused by bloated browser tabs!

Keep your operating system updated.

Keep your operating system updated.

You may think that updating your software is a waste of time, but you will be surprised to learn that it can actually save you time and trouble if you don't do it. If there are updates available for your computer, install them right away—and don't forget to run any security scans or other antivirus programs before doing so! Avoid downloading files from sources you don't know well enough; this includes emails or websites with questionable reputations (like torrents). Using a reputable search engine like Google is also an excellent way to find safe downloads from legitimate sources.

Turn off pop-up messages.

If you're the kind of person who has to know what's going on in your computer at all times, pop-ups are probably annoying as hell. And if they're not irritating enough for you, there's a good chance that some of them could be dangerous—especially when it comes to malware.

So how do we deal with this issue? Well, one simple way is by turning off pop-up messages entirely. You know those little windows that appear over your browser when something new has been added or updated? There's no reason why these should be allowed to appear on every single page. They're just asking for trouble!

Use a "firewall".

A firewall is a protection program that monitors and filters traffic passing between your computer and the internet. It can be set up manually, or you can have it installed automatically by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or router manufacturer.

If you're not sure how to install a firewall on your computer, there are many guides online that will help you do so. One of the most popular is from Microsoft.

Once you've set up your firewall, it's important to update its settings regularly so that it stays current with new threats like viruses and malware.

Back up your files frequently.

Backing up your computer is an essential step in protecting yourself from viruses, malware and data loss. When you back up your files, you create an exact copy of them on another device. This way, if something happens to the original file (like a virus), then you can recover it without having to reinstall everything.

There are several different ways that you can backup your files:

  • External hard drives or cloud storage services such as Dropbox or Google Drive
  • Multiple locations on one external hard drive (for example: at home/work)
  • Portable hard drives like USB flash drives

Use a content filtering system.

When it comes to protecting your computer, you have a couple of options. You can use antivirus software and/or a firewall, or you can download content filtering software like Safe Browser from McAfee. While these methods are not interchangeable—you should use both together at all times—the point is that they will keep your computer safe from viruses and malware while still allowing you access to certain websites, such as Facebook or Twitter.

Content filtering programs work by analyzing incoming data packets and blocking any that don't belong in the first place (i.e., those coming from known malicious sites). This means that even if someone manages to get through security measures like an antivirus program or firewall, there's nothing left for them to do except stare blankly at their screen until they figure out what went wrong (if anything).

Never give out your passwords in spam or phone calls.

Never give out your passwords to anyone.

Don't trust people you don't know and don't want to be friends with.

Don't give them to people who ask for them in spam or phone calls.

Don't open emails from people you don't know.

The most basic rule of thumb is to never open attachments from people you don't know. This includes emails, instant messages and even social media posts. If someone sends you an attachment in an email, it's best to delete it immediately.

Some viruses are able to spread through links sent via social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter; therefore, do not click on links from unknown sources unless you can confirm that they are legitimate (by checking with friends or colleagues).

In addition to not opening suspicious emails or attachments, make sure that when downloading software updates or system updates for your computer there are clear instructions on what needs doing before proceeding with installation so as not tamper with any important files on your computer system without permission firstly!

Use a reputable search engine.

You should also use a reputable search engine. A good search engine will have an excellent reputation and is easy to use. It should also provide you with results quickly, so you don't have to wait forever for your results to come up before giving up on the whole thing entirely.

If you want your privacy protected, then make sure that the site has strong privacy policies in place which protect users from having their personal data collected by third parties without consent or knowledge (and sometimes even when they know). Also make sure that these policies are transparently displayed on every page of their website; otherwise it will be difficult for people who visit those pages but aren’t familiar with how internet searches work yet –or who just haven’t used them recently enough yet--to understand what information these companies hold about them!

You can significantly reduce your chance of virus infection by following a few easy precautions.

  • You can significantly reduce your chance of virus infection by following a few easy precautions.
  • Use antivirus software: If you don’t have it, get it. This is the best way to protect your computer from viruses and malware (malicious software). Antivirus programs scan files and applications as they are being downloaded or installed on your system, looking for signs that they may be infected with malicious code. If an application has been flagged as potentially harmful, it will be removed from memory so that it doesn't cause harm when installed later on—and if there is no way around this process but still want access to certain functions within the program itself (like installing new features), then you'll need another solution altogether!
  • Keep your operating system updated: The latest version provides better protection against both spyware/adware programs as well as potential threats like Trojans and backdoors which could allow hackers access into someone's computer without permission."


In the end, you should be able to say with confidence that your computer is secure. You can significantly reduce your chance of virus infection by following a few easy precautions. If you follow these tips, there's really no reason why you'll ever get stuck with one!
