5 Energy-Saving Tips for Your Heater

Daniel Mwangi
By -
An image showing a burning fire.


Winter is here, and if you're like most Americans, your heating bills are likely higher than usual. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to save money on your heating system. In this blog post, we'll discuss five ways to keep your heater operating efficiently in order to keep them from breaking down and costing you even more money in the long run:

Use your thermostat properly.

If you are home during the day, you can also set a timer to turn off your heating system. If you leave for work before it gets too cold outside, set the temperature to a higher setting so that it will be warm when you return home in the evening.

Check the ducts.

One of the first things to do when you notice a problem with your heater is to check the ducts. The heating system in your home may have been installed improperly, or there could be leaks or other problems that are causing poor performance. For example, if you have a central AC system and it's not working properly, check for loose connections and replace any damaged parts that need replacing. You'll also want to clean out any debris from around vents and filters before turning on your new energy-efficient furnace or air conditioner (AC).

Another thing to check is the thermostat. If your home is not getting warm enough or cool enough, check the settings on your thermostat and make sure they are set correctly. You might also want to try adjusting them manually, but only do so if you have experience doing so as improper adjustments could cause safety issues with your system.

Lubricate moving parts.

Lubricate moving parts.

If you have a heater that has a motor, it’s important to add a small amount of oil to the moving parts. This will help keep them running smoothly and prevent any damage from occurring over time. You can do this by adding 1/4 cup (60 ml) of vegetable oil or other non-toxic lubricant such as WD-40 into the system each month, checking manufacturer's instructions for more specific instructions on what kind of oil is best for your specific unit.

 The reason why you should oil your heater is because it will help extend the life of the unit and keep it running smoothly. If you don’t want to use vegetable oil, you can also use WD-40 or another type of lubricant that won't cause damage to your system.

Turn off the power before cleaning or repairing anything.

To avoid the risk of electrocution, turn off the power before cleaning or repairing anything. The easiest way to do this is to unplug your heater and let it cool down for a few hours. Then use an extension cord that doesn't have any metal parts on it (like those with plastic insulation), and plug in only one end at a time until you've finished all of your work.

If you have an electric dryer or dishwasher that has its own dedicated circuit breaker, make sure it's turned off before doing any work on these appliances so as not to overload their circuits with electricity!

If you don't have a circuit breaker in your home, turn off the power at the main panel. To do this safely, make sure that no one is standing on top of it when you flip the switch. You should also wear rubber-soled shoes and protective gloves so that if there's an electrical short or fire, you won't get hurt by touching anything metal.

Maintain your heater.

  • Maintain your heater.
  • Keep the vents clear of debris, and clean them regularly.
  • Check all filters regularly (especially if you're using a gas-powered heater). If they are dirty or clogged, change them immediately.
  • Clean the fan blades at least once per year to keep them operating smoothly; this will help prevent heat build-up inside the unit and prolong its life expectancy as well as reduce noise levels from an inefficient fan motor.* Check for leaks in seals around hoses or valves; any leak could cause damage to property near by (and possibly even cause carbon monoxide poisoning). If a leak cannot be found using tools such as cotton swabs or sponges then replace all parts of your system immediately!

The tips listed above can help you to save energy during the winter and spend less money on your heating bill.

  • Turn off the heater when you are not using it
  • Make sure that there is no moisture in the air conditioner’s evaporator coil
  • Use a programmable thermostat to turn off your heaters when they are not needed
  • Check for leaks around your house and fix them as soon as possible before they become major problems


As you can see, there are many ways to save energy in your home. By using these simple tips and tricks, you will be able to reduce your heating bills and enjoy the benefits of a warmer home all winter long!
