6 Delicious Recipes You Can Make in Your Oven

Daniel Mwangi
By -
An image showing Turkey in an Oven. (toc) #title=(TOC)


I know it's not the most exciting thing to say, but you can actually cook in your oven. In fact, I'm going to give you a few recipes that'll show how easy it is (and how delicious). And if you're new to cooking with your oven and don't know where to begin, this will help.

Pizza Rolls

If you're looking for a delicious and easy treat, pizza rolls are the way to go. You can make these in your oven, or with store-bought dough. You can even use homemade dough if you want to get fancy with it!

If you want a little extra kick of flavor, try using different toppings on your pizza rolls; maybe some pepperoni and cheese? Or maybe some bacon? Or even something as simple as lettuce and tomato slices (hey—they're still technically vegetables). The sky's the limit here!

You could also choose from any number of sauces: Aioli (garlic mayonnaise), pesto sauce, marinara sauce...the possibilities are endless!

The best part about pizza rolls is that they're the perfect snack for any occasion. You could serve these at a party, or just have them around when you're in the mood for some savory goodness. They're also a great way to get kids involved in cooking: Let them help roll out their own dough and add whatever toppings they want!

Pizza rolls are one of the easiest snacks you can make, and they're also super delicious. You can make them in your oven, or with store-bought dough.

You could even use homemade dough if you want to get fancy with it! If you want a little extra kick of flavor, try using different toppings on your pizza rolls; maybe some pepperoni and cheese? Or maybe some bacon?

Or even something as simple as lettuce and tomato slices (hey—they're still technically vegetables).

The sky’s the limit here! You could also choose from any number of sauces: Aioli (garlic mayonnaise), pesto sauce, marinara sauce...the possibilities are endless! The best part about pizza rolls is that they’re the perfect snack for any occasion. You could serve these at a party, or just have them around when you’re in the mood for some savory goodness. They’re also a great way to get kids involved in cooking: Let them help roll out their own dough and add whatever toppings they want! Pizza rolls are one of the easiest snacks you can make, and they’re also super delicious.

You could make them in your oven, or with store-bought dough. You could even use homemade dough if you want to get fancy with it! If you want a little extra kick of flavor, try using different toppings on your pizza rolls; maybe some pepperoni and cheese? Or maybe some bacon? Or even something as simple as lettuce and tomato slices (hey—they're still technically vegetables). The sky’s the limit here!

You could also choose from any number of sauces: Aioli (garlic mayonnaise), pesto sauce, marinara sauce...the possibilities are endless! The best part about pizza rolls is that they’re the perfect snack for any occasion. You could serve these at a party, or just have them around when you’re in the mood for some savory goodness. They’re also a great way to get kids involved in cooking: Let them help roll out their own dough and add whatever toppings they want!

Garlic Parmesan Fries

Garlic Parmesan Fries

1 head of garlic, peeled and sliced

1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

2 tbsp olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

2 large russet potatoes, peeled and sliced into french fries

4 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped salt and pepper to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 400°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Remove fries from oven and let cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Baked Zucchini Fritters

Baked Zucchini Fritters

  • 1 cup shredded zucchini (about 2 medium)
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • ½ cup flour
  • ¼ teaspoon salt (or more to taste) Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil and set aside.
  • In a large bowl, combine flour, salt and pepper; then add eggs and stir until combined well into batter mixture. Scrape up any bits from bottom of bowl as needed so that everything is evenly distributed throughout your batter mixture before putting it all together! Now you're ready to get started making these delicious bites: Set aside three tablespoons worth of batter for each fritter – this will help keep them nice an round when they're cooked later on down the road! Then take one handful at a time out onto your prepared pan(s), spacing them evenly apart so they don't touch each other while cooking throughly during their final stage before being served alongside whatever sauce goes best with them...
  1. Add zucchini, garlic powder and onion powder to the remaining batter mixture and stir until evenly distributed throughout your batter. Then take one handful at a time out onto your prepared pan(s), spacing them evenly apart so they don't touch each other while cooking throughly during their final stage before being served alongside whatever sauce goes best with them... 3. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown on top, then serve warm!

Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet potato chips are a great snack option that can be made in your oven. They're also healthy and delicious!

You'll need:

  • 2 sweet potatoes (or yams)
  • olive oil or vegetable oil spray, plus more to coat the baking sheet
  • salt to taste (optional)

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees and spray a baking sheet with olive or vegetable oil.

Peel your sweet potatoes and cut them into thin slices. You can use a mandolin or a knife to do this.

Place the sweet potato slices in a bowl, pour some olive oil over them and mix well to coat. Spread the slices out on your baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes, or until golden brown. Then turn off the oven and let them cool down inside for another hour before serving with ketchup or other dipping sauces.

Baked Potato Wedges

Baked potato wedges are a great alternative to french fries. They're easy to make and can be made in advance, so you'll have plenty of time to prepare your meal before sitting down at the table. These baked potato wedges are also great for any meal—you can use them as a side dish with steak or chicken, or serve them with pasta for dinner!

If you have trouble finding potatoes that don't turn brown when baked (or if you'd rather try something new), try using russet potatoes instead: they have less starch than other types of baking potatoes so they won't get quite as crispy on their own as other varieties might when cooked at high temperatures like those used here. To season these treats up further still—and why wouldn't we?—we recommend adding some chili powder or cumin salt into the mix before baking them off into one delicious bite!

Baked Potato Wedges with Chili Powder and Cumin Salt Serves 4-6 Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 1 hour Ingredients 2 pounds baking potatoes, cut into wedges (about 4 cups) 1 teaspoon chili powder 1½ teaspoons cumin salt Instructions Preheat your oven to 450 degrees F. Place the potato wedges into a large bowl and toss them with the chili powder and cumin salt until they are evenly coated. Spread out onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet in a single layer. Bake for 45 minutes, flipping once halfway through cooking time.

Once they have finished cooking, remove from the oven and allow them to cool for 5 minutes or so before serving.

Hand Pies

Hand pies are a great option for parties. You can make them in advance, freeze them and then warm them up when you're ready to serve them. You can add a variety of fillings such as meat, cheese and vegetables to make your own personal hand pies at home.

Hand pies are easy to make too! It takes just one bowl and 10 minutes of prep time before you can start cooking the dough (which is already pre-made).

The best part about hand pies is that they're easy to make and can be stored in the freezer for a quick meal or snack later on. You can also use leftover meat from dinner to make hand pies instead of throwing it away. They're great for busy people who don't have time to cook large meals every night but still want something delicious and homemade!

Hand Pies are a great option for parties. You can make them in advance, freeze them and then warm them up when you're ready to serve them. You can add a variety of fillings such as meat, cheese and vegetables to make your own personal hand pies at home. Hand pies are easy to make too! It takes just one bowl and 10 minutes of prep time before you can start cooking the dough (which is already pre-made). The best part about hand pies is that they're easy to make and can be stored in the freezer for a quick meal or snack later on. You can also use leftover meat from dinner to make hand pies instead of throwing it away. They're great for busy people who don't have time to

cook large meals every night but still want something delicious and homemade! Hand Pies are a great option for parties. You can make them in advance, freeze them and then warm them up when you're ready to serve them. You can add a variety of fillings such as meat, cheese and vegetables to make your own personal hand pies at home. Hand pies are easy to make too! It takes just one bowl and 10 minutes of prep time before you can start cooking the dough (which is already pre-made). The best part about hand pies is that they're easy to make and can be stored in the freezer for a quick meal or snack later on. You can also use leftover meat from dinner to make hand pies instead of throwing it away. They're great for busy people who don't have time to cook large meals every night but still want something delicious and homemade!

Hand Pies are a great option for parties. You can make them in advance, freeze them and then warm them up when you're ready to serve them. You can add a variety of fillings such as meat, cheese and vegetables to make your own personal hand pies at home. Hand pies are easy to make too! It takes just one bowl and 10 minutes of prep time before you can start cooking the dough (which is already pre-made). The best part about hand pies is that they're easy to make and can be stored in the freezer for a quick meal or snack later on.

You can also use leftover meat from dinner to make hand pies instead of throwing it away. They're great for busy people who don't have time to cook large meals every night but still want something delicious and homemade! Hand Pies are a great option for parties. You can make them in advance, freeze them and then warm them up when you're ready to serve them.

You can make a ton of delicious things in your oven.

  • You can make a ton of delicious things in your oven.
  • It's easy to use and versatile, meaning that you'll be able to make all sorts of recipes with it.

If you're looking for an oven that's affordable and will last you a long time, then the GE JGB945SFP00 is the one for you.


So there you have it: some of the best ways to eat your oven. With so many recipes, it’s easy to get creative in the kitchen—and we can’t wait to see what you come up with! Happy baking!
