Maximizing Your Solar Energy Potential_ Tips and Tricks

Daniel Mwangi
By -
An image showing solar panels generating electricity.


Let's face it: solar power isn't cheap. But there are ways to make sure you're getting the most bang for your buck when it comes to this renewable energy source. Here's how:

1. The Best Angles for Solar Panels

The best angle for solar panels is at a ninety-degree angle to the sun. This means that if you're standing in front of your home, looking at its roof or driveway, the panel should be installed on either side of where your eyes are focused. For example: If you're trying to install solar energy onto a roof but can't find any suitable angles because there aren't any trees nearby (or maybe there are some trees within arm's reach), then try aiming your panels toward an open window that's facing southward—you'll get more exposure than if they were pointing straight up into the sky!

The second most important thing about installing solar panels is knowing when they'll receive maximum sunlight throughout each day; this depends on many factors including time zones across different parts of North America and beyond as well as weather conditions such as rain or snowfall during winter months when temperatures drop below freezing levels."

2. Trimming Tall Trees or Other Obstacles

  • Do you have a tree blocking your solar panels? No problem! There are several ways to tackle this problem.
  • If a tree is too tall for you to reach, hire a professional tree trimmer to do it for you. Tree trimming companies will charge around $60 per hour (and they're usually pretty good at what they do). It's worth it if your roof needs some serious cleaning up from all those leaves that fall every year—but if not, just cut back on the branches until there aren't any more major obstructions in sight.

3. Cleaning Solar Panel Surfaces

You probably already know that you need to clean your solar panels regularly, but did you know that this is also important for their health? If not, here's what happens when a dirty panel doesn't get cleaned:

  • The dust particles on the surface of the solar panel can damage cells inside it. This decreases efficiency and causes premature failure of expensive equipment.
  • Over time, dirt buildup causes reduced output and increases maintenance costs because cleaning requires more frequent replacements or complete replacement of entire panels (which are very expensive).

4. Upgrading to More Efficient Solar Panels

If you want to maximize the efficiency of your solar panels, upgrading them is a great way to go.

For example, if you have an old system with just one or two solar panels and they're producing less energy than they should be, then it's time for an upgrade. The best way to determine if this is true is by doing some research on what type of panel can help make up for any deficiencies in output from your existing setup.

What Are The Benefits Of Upgrading?

If possible, choose high-efficiency models that will increase how much electricity goes into battery storage (or power grid) instead of going straight into utility lines—which means more money saved over time!

5. Using a Solar Tracker

A solar tracker is a device that allows you to rotate your solar panels in order to maximize the amount of sun they are receiving. This can be beneficial if you want to increase the size of your system and improve its efficiency, but it also has its disadvantages.

The most obvious disadvantage is cost: installing a solar tracker will cost more than just using regular panels. However, this isn't always true—some companies offer flat-rate pricing for their equipment, so you'll have no extra fees after buying yours! Another disadvantage may be space requirements; some people prefer having their whole house covered in panels instead of just one area or room being secured with trackers (for example).

Finally (and this point I don't believe should deter anyone), some people find that their initial investment doesn't pay off as quickly as expected thanks partly because there isn't enough sunlight throughout most months during which time it would've been best suited for use anyway so those who go through all those extra steps could end up spending more money later down stream when they try selling off their home which would mean losing out on potential profit opportunities altogether."

Simple steps you can take to make sure your solar panels are operating at their highest efficiency

  • Solar panels should be facing south.
  • Trim trees or other obstacles that could shade the solar panels.
  • Clean the solar panels regularly to prevent dust accumulation and premature failure of your system.
  • Upgrade to more efficient solar panels if you want to maximize your energy output and save money on electricity bills in the long run.


We hope this article has given you some ideas to make your solar panels work more efficiently. Remember that the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process!
