Lighting for Small Spaces_ Tips and Tricks

Daniel Mwangi
By -
An image showing a light bulb.


If you've ever tried to make a living space feel bigger, you know that it isn't always easy. But there are ways to add more light and open up your space without breaking the bank. In this post we'll cover some of our favorite tips for lighting small spaces:

Light colors open up a space.

Lighting can make a room feel larger, but it's also important to consider the color of your walls. When you have a small space like this one, white and bright colors will help open up the space and make it feel bigger. If you're looking for inspiration, think about how rooms are often decorated with pale blue or green carpeting that makes everything seem bigger than they actually are. You can also go with yellow walls if they're neutral enough (like in this photo) or even pink! Dark-colored walls can make a room feel smaller by comparison; use them sparingly in small spaces where there isn't much natural light coming through windows or skylights overhead.

Recessed lighting is your friend.

Recessed lighting is your friend. It's efficient, it's cheap, and it's easy to install. If you want to light a small space but aren't sure how to do so without taking up too much space or spending too much money on lighting fixtures, recessed lights are the way to go.

Recessed lights don't require track systems—they're just an extension of your existing electrical outlets (or at least they should be). What this means is that if you already have a ceiling fan installed in your home with recessed bulbs attached to it, all you'll need is some extra wire running from one fixture down into another one so that they can share power instead of using separate circuits for each bulb in the pair like with track systems do.

Use natural light.

One way to control the amount of light coming into your home is through use of curtains and blinds. If you want to keep the sun out, use sheer curtains or white ones. Also, if you want some sun in, use dark colored ones that won't show any stains from cooking or cleaning up spills.

If you have a small window in your kitchen or bathroom that isn't used for natural light at all (like an exhaust fan), consider installing blackout shades over them instead of trying to block out all the daylight with blinds/curtains alone (which won't work). You can also add another layer with sheer drapes over top! This will block out enough UV rays while still allowing some natural sunlight through so it looks nice when people walk past looking into their homes during the day time hours."

Choose directional lights.

Directional lights are great for illuminating a specific area, such as a hallway or stairway. They can be mounted on the wall, ceiling or floor. If you have limited space and need to use directional lighting to highlight an area of your home, this option is ideal because it doesn't take up much room and will create an immediate impact on your overall space.

Directional lights are also useful when using them as accent pieces within larger spaces like dining rooms, living rooms and kitchens.

Light up the right areas first.

  • Light up the areas you use most. If you’re in a small space, it can be difficult to find places to put lights that are both functional and attractive. The first step is to figure out where your main rooms are located, as well as any secondary spaces such as your kitchen or bathroom. Once these areas are identified, then focus on lighting them appropriately with light sources that will reflect off their surfaces when they are lit up at night (or during the day). For example:
  • Your living room should have recessed lamps which illuminate its walls while providing sufficient brightness for reading or watching TV sets without causing eye strain;
  • Your bedroom needs indirect natural light from windows so that it doesn't feel dark inside when people get ready in there;
  • The kitchen should have spotlights aimed at counters so that food preparation doesn't seem like work after dark!

Pick the right bulbs.

For small spaces, you can use any bulb. But if you want to maximize the light in your space, consider these three tips:

  • Choose a bulb with a color temperature that is close to the color of your walls. If they're white and bright, use cool-colored bulbs; if they're dark and warm-toned, go for warm ones. The idea here is not so much about what looks good—it's more about making sure that whatever light source you choose will produce an even brightness throughout all rooms in your home (especially important when it comes to interior design).
  • Choose one with similar or equal lumens per watt as the one already installed in each room (or higher). This will ensure that there won't be any issues related to glare or shadows—two things we often see when using too much artificial lighting against natural daylight streaming through windows at night!

Invest in quality window coverings.

Varying the size and shape of your windows is a great way to add interest to any room. However, if you want them to be energy efficient, then it's important that they're used in the correct way.

Window coverings such as curtains and blinds can be a major source of heat loss from your home - so we recommend using roller blinds instead. This will help maximize their lifespan by reducing wind resistance and keeping warm air inside during winter months when natural light is less prevalent than in summertime (and therefore less likely).

If you do still want sheer curtains or sheer window treatments though - go for white ones! White surfaces reflect light much more efficiently than darker colors do; so if you want something opaque enough without being too heavy-handed about blocking out all natural illumination around them (elements like sunlight will still come through), then try experimenting with some silver-tone options instead."

Mirrors are your friends, too.

Mirrors are your friends, too. They reflect light and make a room look bigger, so it’s important to have them in any small space that you want to feel more open or spacious.

Mirrors can also be used to bounce light around the room, which can help create a focal point for your space. This is especially useful if your bedroom is on one side of an L-shaped hallway; having two mirrors facing each other across from each other will create an open line through which several different rooms can be seen at once (and maybe even make people wonder why there isn’t more furniture!).

A piece of art can work double time as a light fixture.

  • Use a piece of art to reflect light. If you have an empty wall, use it to reflect the light in your room. This can be especially handy if you have windows that face south or east and are generally bright during the day—you won't need any additional lighting to keep them illuminated!
  • Use a piece of art to break up the space. A painting or sculpture can give your room more dimensionality by breaking up its flatness (or lack thereof). It's also easier than installing an expensive chandelier!
  • Add color and texture with textiles: Textile fabrics make great backdrops for other items in your home; they add warmth without being too dark or heavy for their size (which means no fear about getting scuffed up!). They're especially good at bringing out colors from paintings or photographs on walls behind them because they don't compete with those images—just enhance them instead!

There are lots of ways to get more light into small spaces!

The best way to get more light into your small space is to use the right light bulbs.

  • Recessed lighting: This is an excellent option if you have an overhead light fixture, as it's easy to install and doesn't require any wiring work. But if you're looking for low-end options that won't cost much more than the incandescent bulbs they replace, try fluorescent or halogen lights instead.
  • Natural light: When possible, opt for open spaces with windows that let in plenty of natural sunlight—this will make up for any lack of artificial illumination by providing plenty of natural daylighting throughout the day (and night). If you don't have easy access to these kinds of rooms or live somewhere where there isn't enough natural light during most hours of day/nighttime, consider installing skylights over existing ceilings so they can shine down onto your bedsides while shielding them from direct sunlight during those times when it would otherwise interfere with sleeping patterns (like early mornings).


You can use the tips above to make your home feel more spacious and open. They’re also great for adding light where you might not think it needs it. And remember that when you’re thinking creatively, sometimes the most surprising solutions are the best ones!
